
Business analysis

An objective, up-to-date overview of the current state of the company

In order to get a true picture of the current state of your business as a company director, it is recommended to harness the help of an external expert who can prepare an objective business analysis based on the figures and data collected from each area of the company.

The statement will inform you about:

The current situation of the company

Where the business is currently compared to its previous plans and where it is going using existing systems.

The added value

How much added value there is in what the company does every day.

The current forms of funding

A befektetések jelenleg miből kerül finanszírozásra és vannak-e olyan lehetőségek, melyek az előrelépést segítenék.

What are the benefits?

  • For a well-managed company, this can be a positive confirmation from an external expert, as it is reassuring as a manager to know that your business is heading in the right direction.
  • If you’re simply lacking the bandwidth to prepare, or get a reliable, ongoing feedback on your operations
  • It is also a way of monitoring accounting performance, where you can have a second opinion on how accounting actually works
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